Into the Realm of the Aleph Zadik Aleph


CRE's 1998-1999 Aleph Zadik Aleph Board
Name Position Email Address
Jason Michael Torban Aleph Godol [email protected]
Michael Ross Stiebel Aleph S'gan [email protected]
Adam David Richman Aleph Moreh [email protected]
Aaron Samuel Eisenberg Aleph Mazkir [email protected]
Jeff Vergales Aleph Shaliach [email protected]
David Ari Hulnick Kohen Godol [email protected]
Linda Sue Rosenberg Regional Director [email protected]

Central Region East's 1997-1998 Aleph Zadik Aleph Regional Board
Name Position Email Address
David Ari Hulnick Aleph Godol [email protected]
Scott Jason Hoeflich Aleph S'gan [email protected]
Jason Michael Torban Aleph Moreh [email protected]
Jason Michael Resch Aleph Mazkir [email protected]
Joshua Samuel Schoenberg Aleph Shaliach [email protected]
Brian Daniel Krasney Kohen Godol [email protected]
Linda Sue Rosenberg Regional Director [email protected]
Central Region East AZA Regional Board [email protected]

AZA History
AZA Pep Songs
CRE AZA Constitution

The Seven Cardinal Principles of the Aleph Zadik Aleph

this image was created by Brad Finberg (ATOWN AZA)

The Seven Cardinal Principles are printed on the Menorah above, six around the star and one on the base.

  Patriotism:  loyalty to my homeland, to its laws, to its principles, to its ethics. To die for it if need be, but primarily to live for it

  Judaism:  Always to observe the tenets of my faith; ever to do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with the Lord my god

  Filial Love:  ever to honor and love my parents. To be considerate of my elders and to respect age.

 Charity:  to give myself and my substance for all worthy causes; to be kind and generous to all in need, regardless of race or creed.

 Conduct:  never too bold, never too forward, ever humble, ever observing the principles of gentlemen

 Purity:  to keep my soul pure, my mind active and my body healthy

 Fraternity:  a spirit of sociability, of cooperation and of friendship toward all AZA's that shall make of us one day fellowship; a love of and a loyalty to AZA and its ideals.

This document was created by
David Ari Hulnick