order for the Aleph Zadik Aleph Chapters of Central Region East
to carry out the objectives of the B'nai B'rith Youth
Organization, and to be assured that the Alephs learn to live by
the creed of the Aleph Zadik Aleph through participation in
Chapter, Regional and International activities, Central Region
East Aleph Zadik Aleph does hereby establish this Regional
This Region is designated as the
Central Region East Aleph Zadik Aleph of the B'nai B'rith Youth
Section A The purpose of the
Region is to provide whatever aid and assistance is needed by its
member chapters to carry out their function.
Section B The Region shall
function through elected officers and the appointed committee
chairman. The Region shall fulfill its purpose through Regional
Meetings, Executive Board and Board Meetings, and through
activities and programs.
Section A The geographic
territory shall be those areas of the states of Pennsylvania and
Delaware as determined by the International AZA Association.
Section B Every chartered AZA
Chapter or temporarily chartered Aleph Club in good standing
within the territory shall automatically be a member of the
Section A The Region at a
regularly constituted meeting shall determine the date, time, and
place of its Regional Meetings, Executive Board and Board
Meetings, activities and programs.
Section B The decisions of the
Region on regard to Section A are subject to the ability of the
community or host to provide proper and adequate facilities
within reasonable budget limitations to be determined by the
Regional BBYO Adult Board on recommendation of the Regional
Section C Representation at
Regional Meetings shall consist of every member present. The
Regional Executive Board shall not be counted in their chapters'
Section D A quorum for Regional
Meetings shall consist of representatives from one more than half
of the chapters in good standing in the Region, and the Regional
Aleph Godol or the acting Godol, and one or more members of the
Regional Executive Board. A Meeting can take place without a
quorum, just no business done. But, any business done can, with
one motion, be adopted at the next meeting with a quorum.
Section E The Regional Director
or his/her duly appointed representatives must be present for an
official meeting of the Region to be held.
Section F Voting shall include
all members who are present at the meeting. No member may vote
Section A The Regional Executive
Board shall constitute itself as a BUDGET COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE
at a meeting, within two weeks after their election to develop a
proposed budget.
Section B The Region shall derive
its income from dues levied upon each Aleph who is a registered
member of each Chapter within the Region; the limit of dues shall
be $1.50 per Aleph. The Regional Budget is to benefit from the
profits of Regional fund raising activities.
Section C The expenditures of the
Regional Budget are to be limited to:
(1) The authorized travel
expenses, telephone and correspondence expenses of the Regional
Executive Board, and any other expenses the Board deems
necessary, in accordance with the Regional budget and the
Regional Director.
(2) Subsidy for the Regional
Aleph Godol when he is authorized to represent the Region.
(3) A past Regional Aleph Godol
(4) Ten percent of the budget is
to be set aside for miscellaneous items to be approved by the
Region by majority vote and the Regional Director.
(5) Expenditures against the
Regional Budget may be made only on warrant prepared and signed
by the Regional Executive Board first, and approved by the
Regional Director.
(6) The Regional Aleph Godol will
not be assessed for Regional Activities.
Section D Records of the Regional
finances shall be kept by the Regional Director at the Regional
BBYO office; the Regional Aleph Mazkir shall report on and
maintain a record of these finances for all Regional and
Executive Board Meetings.
Section E Regional sponsored
activities and events are financed by the region. Sign-up fees
are to be levied by the Regional Director.
Section F There shall be no fines
levied by the Regional Executive Board for the purpose of its
Section G The Regional Advisor as
defined in Article VII of this constitution, shall have the
authority to advise the Regional Executive Board in the
development of the Regional Budget; to veto any provisions which
in his/her judgment are imprudent or contrary to policy; to
collect the monies of the above; to keep the records of Regional
finances, its bank books and records; and to provide reports to
Section H Appeal from a veto of
the Regional Director may be taken by the Regional Aleph Godol to
the Regional BBYO Adult Board through the Regional Adult Board
Section A Duties of the Officers.
Part 1 "There shall be an elected Regional Aleph Godol who will:
(a) preside at meetings of the Region and its Executive Committees and Board;
(b) consult the rest of the Regional Executive board before appointing Regional Chairmen;
(c) oversee the work of the Regional Officers and the Committee chairmen, offering advice where he feels necessary;
(d) work with the chapter Aleph Godolim, help and guide them in the performance of their duties;
(e) approve all Regional Board releases to be distributed by the Regional Office;
(f) oversee all Regional Activities;
(g) be responsible for establishing a communications system between the Regional Executive Board and the Chapters, and between the International Executive Board and the Region;
(h) work with the Regional N'siah and Regional Director;
(i) correspond with the Grand Aleph Godol;
(j) represent the Region on the International level and on the Regional Adult BBYO Board;
(k) interpret and convey all BBYO policy to the members;
(1) appoint a Shotare Kotone prior to all meetings;
(m) perform duties proposed by the Regional Director;
(n) relay all International information to the Chapters;
(o) appoint all delegates and alternates to the International Convention; A delegate of the Regional Aleph Godol shall first be a member of the Regional Executive Board and then of the Region;
(p) and be the delegation leader
at International Convention."
Part 2 There shall be elected a Regional Aleph S'gan who will:
(a) promote programming throughout the region;
(b) prepare monthly program releases to be distributed to the Chapters through the Regional office;
(c) will establish monthly five-fold themes with the approval of the Regional Executive Board;
(d) oversee the BEST CHAPTER AWARD criteria;
(e) promote the International Programming Thrust;
(f) promote International simultaneous programs, and maintain communication with Grand Aleph S'gan;
(g) help the leadership programming within the chapters;
(h) help oversee inter-cities;
(i) promote International contests;
(j) preside over meetings when the Regional Aleph Godol is not present;
(k) and perform such other
functions for and on behalf of the Region as proposed by the
Regional Aleph Godol."
Part 3 "There shall be elected a Regional Aleph Moreh who will:
(a) oversee the recruitment and retention of members;
(b) train and assist the Chapter Aleph Morim in Aleph Training;
(e) coordinate the Regional "IN TRAINING" Convention;
(f) correspond regularly with the Grand Aleph Moreh;
(g) and perform such other
functions for any on behalf of the Region as proposed by the
Regional Aleph Godol."
Part 4 "There shall be elected a Regional Aleph Mazkir who will:
(a) take minutes of the Regional and Executive board Meetings;
(b) assist the Regional Director in distributing copies of minutes and Regional Executive Board Meeting notices;
(c) keep a record of attendance at Regional Meetings;
(d) assist Chapter Aleph Mazkirim, Dovairim and Gizborim in the performance of their duties;
(e) assist in compiling the Regional newspaper, the STEWPOT;
(f) work with the Mazkirah and compile a GRAND CENTRAL newspaper for each convention;
(g) correspond regularly with the Grand Aleph Mazkir;
(h) be responsible for reporting all Regional activities to the international newspaper, the SHOFAR, and other publications as relayed to him by the Regional Aleph Godol;
(i) promote I.S.F. Fundraising throughout the Region;
(j) coordinate fundraising for the Regional Board;
(k) work with the Chapter officers in charge of fundraising and help him perform his duties;
(l) work closely with the Regional Aleph S'gan concerning the International Thrust;
(m) and perform other such
functions for and on behalf of the Region as proposed to him by
the Regional Aleph Godol."
Part 5 "There shall be elected a Regional Aleph Shaliach who will:
(a) be responsible for showing all Alephs the similarities and differences between Jews around the world;
(b) foster AZA alumni development and life membership;
(c) disseminate information about Oppressed Jewry around the world;
(d) be in charge of the promotion of the Actively Concerned Teens, ACT Network;
(e) be in charge of the promotion of Teens Actively Serving the Community, TASC Network;
(f) promote Israel education and current affairs concerning the state of Israel;
(g) promote summer programs;
(h) prepare monthly releases to be distributed to the Chapters through the Regional Office;
(i) maintain in monthly communication with the Grand Aleph Shaliach;
(j) coordinate or help coordinate all inter-regional activities;
(k) motivate inter-regional activities and communication on both the chapter and regional levels;
(l) coordinate or help coordinate ALL services at ALL Regional events;
(m) maintain in constant communication with all chapter religious chairmen;
(n) should encourage religious fold programming on the chapter level;
(o) coordinate the Regional Kallah;
(p) time permitting, be prepared to speak on something of Jewish content at Regional Meetings;"
(q) and perform
such other functions for and on behalf of the Region as proposed
by the Regional Aleph Godol."
Part 6 The position of Regional
Aleph Kohen Godol will be filled by the Past Regional Aleph Godol
as long as he is not elected to another Regional office or
Chapter Godol position. If a past Regional Aleph Godol is unable
to serve, then a Regional Aleph Kohen Godol will be elected. The
duties will be to advise and help the present Regional Aleph
Godol and perform such other functions for and on behalf of the
Region and are proposed by the Regional Aleph Godol, such as AIT
induction's. A candidate for the office of Regional Aleph Kohen
Godol must be a member of AZA in good standing for at least two
years and be at least a past Chapter Aleph S'gan or a past member
of the Regional Executive Board.
Part 7 The offices of Honorary
Aleph Godol and Honorary Regional Aleph Kohen Godol will be
accepted at the close of elections, or in between elections, when
the votes are being counted. These honorary positions will be
recorded by the Regional Aleph Mazkir and kept in the official
minutes of the meeting. These Alephs will serve no official
position other than being noted for their service to the Region. The Honorary Aleph Godol's
title shall be Shotare Godol; the Honorary Regional Aleph Kohen
Godol's title shall be Aleph Shotare Kotone.
Section B (1) Elections shall take place at a regularly constituted Regional Meeting. All voting shall be closed ballot.
(2) Election procedure for Central Region East AZA will be:
(a) A declaration of intent to run form will be issued by the Regional Office. The form will provide for the candidate to state his age, name, office desired, home chapter, and anything else that the Regional Executive Board and/or the Regional Director feel is relevant, The form is to be in the Regional Office by the date set by the Regional Director and Regional Godol. This form must be RECEIVED in the office on that date, not be postmarked for the date due. Failure to have this form in on time, will result in the inability to caucus for Regional Office, as described in Article VI, Section B, Part 2-b.
(b) the caucus procedure will be as follows:
(1) All those candidates who have their intent to run forms in the Regional Office by the due date, will be allowed to caucus.
(2) These candidates will be given time in the MEET THE CANDIDATES session, as well as the allotted speaking time as applies for their position.
(3) The time limit will be as follows:
All those caucusing for the position of Regional Aleph Godol will be given five minutes to speak. All those caucusing for any other Regional office will be given four minutes to speak.
(4) All those candidates not caucusing, and this includes drop down candidates will be allotted only one minute to simply state their qualifications.
(c) Before the election takes place, the Regional Aleph Godol will explain the duties of each office, and the election procedures.
(d) "The chair will entertain a motion to open nominations. No candidate caucusing for a position can be nominated. Nominators will be given one minute to speak, and there will be no seconds to nominations."
(e) The following statement will be asked three times and at the end of each reading the gavel will be wrapped once.
"All those running for the office of please come forward."
(f) The following question is to be asked by the chair. "Aleph if elected will you serve ?"
(g) All those candidates who have voiced their intent to serve will be given the appropriate time to speak
(h) The chair will then proceed with the actual voting, The Aleph Mazkir will distribute the ballots with the Regional Aleph Godol. Ballots will be distributed to each chapter, with an envelope for each chapter. Every Aleph votes with their Chapter, except members of the Regional Executive Board(REB). Each member of the R.E.B and each member of each chapter shall count as one vote. The ballots will be given to the staff to be counted. An Aleph will also be present for the ballot counting. No Aleph shall touch the ballots after they have been collected. Absentee ballots do not count. Candidates may vote as follows: If the candidate is not a member of the R.E.B. he will vote with his Chapter. Voting will consist of filling out designated ballots with the full name of the candidate of their choice. Any foreign markings on a ballot will falsify it and render it useless. This is a closed ballot. Pre-vote delegation meetings are permitted for four minutes, however, if any meeting is interrupted by another delegate from outside the group delegation, that delegate shall lose all voting privileges.
(i) To be a winner the candidate must have 50.1% of the allotted votes. In cases where there are three or more candidates and there is not a clear winner after first balloting, the person with the least amount of votes will be dropped from the roster, and there shall be a re-vote. This process will continue until there is a clear winner.
(j) Announcements of the winner shall come from the Regional Aleph Godol who will be handed the winning ballot by the Staff member in charge of counting the votes. The Regional Aleph Godol will also announce if a re-vote is to take place. If a re-vote is called the same voting procedure will be followed.
(k) If a person wishes to run for an office, but cannot attend the convention, he must send a letter to the Regional Director and Regional Aleph Godol stating that he will accept a nomination. His name must then be nominated by someone present, and seconded and then he will be considered a legal candidate.
(l) The chair will open and close all honorary nominations.
(m) Any protest of procedure or
vote will be directed to the chair.
Section C The following
limitations shall be observed. A Chapter Aleph Godol shall not be
eligible for any other office nor for a Regional Committee
Chairmanship. There shall be one Aleph and only one to each
Section D (1) An Officer who leaves office for any reason whatsoever, creates a VACANCY IN OFFICE only when the Region at a duly constituted meeting passes a motion declaring that particular office vacant.
(2) A VACANCY IN OFFICE shall be
filled at anytime after the office is declared vacant by majority
vote of the Region at a Regional Board Meeting. Any qualified
Aleph may serve in that capacity.
Section F (1) Any elected officer may be removed from office by a 2/3 vote at a Regional Board Meeting and approved by the Regional Director.
Passing of such a motion creates a vacancy in office which shall be filled provided for in Section D.
(2) Any member of the Region may
lodge a complaint about the performance of an elected officer or
appointed Regional person. The complaint is to be in writing and
submitted to the Regional Director, Regional Aleph Godol or the
Regional Executive Board. All complaints will be investigated by
the person or persons addressed.
Section G The term of office for
all Board Members in each office shall be for one year. Board
members may serve in a specific office for a maximum of two
Section A The Regional Advisor
shall be the Regional Director. He/She may delegate Regional
advisorship to an adult appointed by him/her and about whom the
Regional Aleph Godol has been formally advised in writing.
However, the Regional Director must retain responsibility and the
delegation to another person as an agent of the Regional
Section B The Regional Advisor
shall perform his/her duties in accordance with the principle and
philosophy of the B'nai B'rith Youth Commission.
Section C The functions of the Regional Advisor are:
(1) The Advisor serves as Counselor to the Region;
(2) The Advisor sets aside an action of the Region, which is contrary to BBYO Policy. In that advent, the matter may be referred to the Regional BBYO Board by the Regional Aleph Godol on action by the Region. The decision of the Regional Advisor is final;
(3) The advisor prohibits any
expenditure of the Region which he/she deems imprudent contrary
to the budget of the Region or contrary to BBYO Policy.
Section A The Regional Aleph
Godol shall represent the Region on the Regional Adult Board of
Directors, or his designate, and participate in decisions which
effect the promotion and welfare of the BBYO program within the
Regional area.
Section B The Regional Aleph
Godol shall act as a liaison between his Region and The Regional
Adult Board. He shall participate in the work of, and
deliberations of the Regional Adult Board pertaining to
coordination of Regional activities; matters relating to
cooperation with the B'nai B'rith Councils of the Regional area;
matters pertaining to relations with other agencies which provide
facilities to BBYO; matters pertaining to relations with other
agencies cooperating with BBYO.
Section C The Regional Aleph
Godol shall participate with the Regional Adult Board in
promoting projects, programs and activities of the International
B'nai B'rith Youth Organization which shall benefit the members
of the Chapters in this Region.
Section D The Regional Aleph
Godol shall interpret and help enforce within his Region, the
policies determined by the Regional Adult Board of Directors.
Section A The Regional Executive
Committee shall consist of the, Regional Aleph Godol (RAG),
Regional Aleph S'gan (RAS), Regional Aleph Moreh (RAM), Regional
Aleph Mazkir (RAMaz), Regional Aleph Shaliach (RASh), Regional
Aleph Kohen Godol (RAKG) and Regional Director.
Section B The Regional Board
shall be made up of the Regional Executive Committee, Regional
committee Chairman, and the Aleph Godolim of each of the Chapters
in good standing in the Region.
Section C The Regional Executive
Committee shall be the planning body of the Region; it shall
propose the budget and exercise control over it; it shall review
the work of the officers and committee Chairman of the Region; it
shall evaluate the member chapters of the Region and determine
what help and so direct the proper persons; it shall propose
details for the Regional activities and events; it shall
determine who the Regional Aleph Godol will appoint as Committee
Chairman for the Region. The Regional Executive Committee shall
have all of the powers of the Board between its regular meetings.
It's minutes shall be distributed by the Regional Aleph Mazkir,
to all Members of the Board and shall be subject to the approval
of the Board at its next regular meeting.
Section D The Regional Executive
Committee shall meet in June when it shall, for part of its
meeting, constitute itself as a Budget Committee of the whole. It
shall meet no less than 2 other times during the season between
regular meetings of the Region, at a time and a place agreed upon
by the Regional Aleph Godol and the Regional Advisor.
Section E Regional Meetings:
(1) These meetings shall be called by the Regional Board, at the times and places which the board decides upon.
(2) The meeting will consist of the entire Regional Board and all those Chapter members who are present.
(3) The Business at these meeting will consist of:
(a) Business which effects the Region as a whole and must be voted upon as a whole.
(b) An open forum for all business from the floor by any member.
(c) Voting will take place at this time for all Constitutional changes and amendments (ARTICLE XI), and any other business which the Region as a whole deems necessary for a general consensus of the membership.
(d) Procedure for Regional
Meetings will be as Board Meetings. A simple majority of all
those present carry the vote.
Section A It is the purpose of
Regional Committees to give aid to specific chapters in
particular matters; or to carry out specifically detailed
projects for the Region at large.
Section B The Chairman of each
Regional Committee is responsible to the Regional Aleph Godol and
to the Regional Executive Committee. The Regional Committees may
receive technical information and aid from International.
However, directives from the International Committee can only be
activated by the direction of the Regional Board or the Regional
Aleph Godol. In both cases the advice of the Regional Advisor is
to be sought.
Section C Each Regional Committee
is to determine how best to function by discussion with the
Regional Board. The procedure to be followed is to become a part
of the minutes of the Regional Board.
Section D A candidate for a
Regional Committee Chairmanship must be a member of AZA in good
standing for at least one year, and be a past member of his
Chapter Executive Committee. He will submit an application in
writing to the RAG prior to the first meeting of the Regional
Board, which will state his qualifications, age, home, chapter
and the area he feels he can best serve in as the Regional
Section E The Regional Aleph
Godol and Executive Committee will establish those Regional
Committees which they deem necessary. These Committees are to be
chosen prior to the first Regional Board Meeting and publicized
throughout the Region so applications may he reviewed by the
Regional Executive Committee and the Chairman notified of the
decision, before the first meeting of the Board.
Section F The Regional Committee
Chairman will be allowed to choose any Aleph in good standing in
the Region to be a member of their committee.
Section G The following
Chairmanships can be chosen by the Regional Executive Board with
the following duties:
Part 1 "There will be a Regional Aleph Spirit Chairman who will:
(a) instill a sense of spirit and sociability among all Alephs in the Region;
(b) teach and lead all spirit sessions with the help of Regional Ruffian;
(c) assist with icebreakers at Regional events;
(d) along with counterpart will
judge and award the most spirited chapters at the Tournaments
Part 2 "There will be appointed a Regional Aleph Yearbook Chairman who will:
(a) compile a Central Region East
Yearbook, along with the BBG yearbook chairman, to be presented
at Spring Fling."
Part 3 "There will be appointed a Regional Aleph Internet Chairman who will:
(a) be appointed by the Regional Aleph Shaliach;
(b) correspond the with International Internet Communications Chairman and other Regional Internet Chairs;
(c) create and/or maintain the Regional World Wide Web homepage which will contain the Email address directory and all Regional minutes;
(d) create the Regional Grand Central On-line Mailing list, and Email forum for discussion between Alephs, in cooperation with the Regional Aleph Mazkir;
(e) assist all Chapter Internet
Chairman in creation and maintenance of chapter Email address
directories and World Wide Web pages."
Part 4 "There will be appointed a Regional Aleph Ruffian who will:
(a) serve as Regional Aleph Shotare Godol at all Regional Meetings;
(b) organize all Regional rumbles;
(c) organize all inter-regional rumbles;
(d) must come fully equipped with Ruffian gear to all Regional Meetings;
Section A The Constitution may be
amended or added to, only by decision of the Central Region East
AZA, at a Regional Meeting.
Section B Proposed amendments or
additions must be presented to the Region in writing at a
meeting. It is to be reviewed by the Regional Executive Committee
and passed by it before considered by the Region for a vote.
Section C If the proposal then
receives two thirds of the votes of the members the copy of the
minutes are to be sent to the International Aleph Godol with a
letter signed by the Regional Aleph Godol informing him of the
action taken.
Section A The Constitution of the
International Association of the Aleph Zadik Aleph is hereby made
a part hereof and whenever there is any conflict between this
Constitution and those of the body of precedence named above, the
Constitution and By-laws and those bodies as they now read or
shall later be amended shall be supreme in every case.
Section B Whenever any act of
this Region, or any part of this Constitution as it now reads or
later amended or added to, are in conflict with the Constitution
or a written policy of the National B'nai B'rith Youth
Commission, or the Regional BBYO Board, the latter shall be
supreme in every case.
This document was created by
David Ari