The Spreading RASh

October 1996 Volume 1, Issue 1

The Official Publication of the CRE Regional Aleph Shaliach

My Brother Alephs and My Sister BBGs,

Shalom. This is your first of many Shaliach Releases. Sorry about its lateness, but, for now on it will come monthly. Congratulations to all of you who are chapter Shaliachs (TANZER). You are the first of many proud Shaliachs down the line. Included in this edition of the Spreading RASh you will find almost all that you need to know about being a Shaliach.

As Shaliach, you are in charge of not only Social Action and Community Service, but many other important jobs. Look through this whole booklet and become familiar with each of the items.

CRE has it's own homepage hosted at:

Please give me any input on it and send in information and articles to be posted on it.

In this booklet you will find information about The ACT Network, TASC, Israel Education, Jewish Oppression Around the World, Jewish Awareness, and a plethora of other information.


David Ari Hulnick
Regional Aleph Shaliach
Central Region East 1996-1997

I can be reached at:

David Ari Hulnick
525 Beaumont Circle
West Chester, PA 19380
(610)436-4073 (home)
(610)363-9008 (fax)
[email protected]


2. ACT Network
4. Israel
5. Jewish Oppression
6. Jewish Awareness
7. Drug Awareness Day
8. Sample News Release

"It's Gonna Spread!"

The A.C.T. Network
The A.C.T. Network or the Actively Concerned Teens Network is a system developed to help the B'nai B'rith Youth Organization take a stand on social concerns that affect our communities and the world.

Examples of A.C.T. Network programs that can be done by your chapter:

1. Helping the Environment

** If your state has a recycle for money program, your efforts to help the environment can also service as a fund-raiser

2. Challenge the Government

If there is anything that your local government or school government is doing that your chapter does not agree with, don't just stand there and watch ... TAKE A.C.T.ION!

Who to invite...



T.A.S.C. stands for Teens Actively Serving Communities. This program was established to assist the B'nai B'rith Youth Organization's chapters in their efforts to improve their communities.

Examples of T.A.S.C. program that can be done to help your chapter improve the community:

Other things that your chapter can do...

Other T.A.S.C. programs your chapter could do...


Promote and Educate Your Chapter on Israel

The position of Shaliach is responsible for your chapter's education and promotion of what is going on in Israel.

Examples of programs that promote and educate your chapter on Israel:

For more information about ISI or ILSI please ask the regional office or write:

ISI and ILSI Information
1640 Rhode Island Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20036-3278


Helping to Stop the Oppression of Jews Around the World

Some people might say that one chapter cannot make a difference. This might be true in some cases, but we can at least try to help free fellow Jews from places where they are oppressed. Who knows, maybe we can make a difference!

Examples of programs that can be done in your community:

Your chapter might be helpful if you also help those immigrants who come to your community by...


Jewish Awareness

Sometimes the duties of Shaliach includes those of Jewish Awareness Chairperson and Religious Chairperson. Jewish Awareness is a way of providing your chapter with knowledge about being Jewish and ways of being proud that you are Jewish. The Religious Chairperson is responsible for organizing services.

Example of Jewish Awareness and Religious programs that can be done by your chapter...

Support BBYO's New Simultaneous Program:

Drug/Alcohol Awareness Weekend

November 29-December 2, 1996

Monday, December 2nd is declared

1996 International Drug/Alcohol Awareness Day

At the International August Executive Board meetings, representatives voted to take a united stand on a tragic issue confronting our society: drunk driving and drug and alcohol abuse. They decided the best way to show our united concern about these issues was through the creation of a new simultaneous program. Therefore, on December 2, and throughout the weekend preceding that Monday, each member, chapter, council, region, and/or district should do something concerning the topic of drugs & alcohol and/or drunk driving.

Knowing that members throughout the world are all concentrating on solutions surrounding theses problems, this will serve as a reminder that although BBYO is an International organization, when we establish the same ideals and goals we can experience the POWER OF WE!

Whether you merely get together to read statistics, listen to speakers on the topic, or write your congressman....B'nai B'rith Youth Organization shall act together as a team to create a mighty force.


Shaliach Shtuff
CRE Homepage