The Spreading RASh

December 1996 Volume I, Issue 2

The Official Publication of the CRE Regional Aleph Shaliach

My Brother Alephs and Sister BBGs,

Shalom! Shilshol!! This is the second edition of the paper you all wait to read, THE SPREADING RASh! Great job to all of you Shalichim out there (TANZER). Keep on doing what you are doing and a whole lot more. Now let me introduce you to the:

The Ronnie McD Edition

No, I am not trying to sell you French Fries or an Arch Deluxe because McDonalds is not Kosher! This edition of the Spreading RASh will tell you all about BBYO's Project Hand in Hand.

Already, members from Kol H'Dror BBYO (KOP) and Sondra Moore BBYO (WC) have visited the Wilmington Ronald McDonald House and volunteered their services. They made decorations for Thanksgiving Dinner, cleaned outside furniture, and picked up trash. Everyone that participated had a wonderful time.

On another note, I would like to thank all of the members that were generous enough to bring items to donate to Turning Point. We will be doing this at each convention. Allentown AZA/BBG donated two boxes full of charitable items because of your generositiy! Keep up the good work!

Would your chapter be interested in joining Amnesty International? Give me a call at 610-436-4073. Social Action is AWESOME!

Well, I hope that my Ronald McDonald House packet is useful to you and don't forget to keep in touch! Wishing you a Happy Chanukah and a healthy New Year!


David Ari Hulnick
Regional Aleph Shaliach
Central Region East Aleph Zadik Aleph 1996/1997

Project Hand in Hand Fact Sheet

We are proud to announce a new partnership between the Ronald McDonald House Charities and BBYO that will bring hundreds of teen volunteers into Ronald McDonald Houses in the US, Canada, England and France. This project is called "Project Hand in Hand."

Project Hand in Hand is a three-year program that will encourage hundreds of BBYO teens to get involved in their communities by participating in projects at their local Ronald McDonald Houses.

During Project Hand in Hand there will be a wide variety of services that can be provided to the Houses, depending on their specific needs. While Houses may have some specific needs in mind, here are a few examples of the types of services BBYO members can provide:

These are just a few program ideas. You can expand or build upon these examples once your relationship is established.

How to Get Started in

Project Hand in Hand

Step 1) Call your local Ronald McDonald House (listed below) at least 3 weeks prior to when you want to visit and explain that you are in BBYO as part of Project Hand In Hand.

Step 2) Find out how you can help them.

Step 3) Promote this heartily with your chapter through mailings, phone calls, etc.

Step 4) Be sure to publicize your event through newspapers, radio and TV, if possible. Send copies of all publicity and press releases to David Ari Hulnick and Liz Cohen.

Step 5) Make sure that transportation is arranged for all members.

Step 6) Go and have fun, know that you are helping a great charity.

Step 7) Please make sure to visit your local Ronald McDonald House at least 2 times between now and MAY. Even if only a few members of your chapter can make it, it is still worth going.

Wilmington Ronald McDonald House
1901 Rockland Road
Wilmington, DE 19083

contact person: Kelly Ward

Hershey Ronald McDonald House
745 W. Governor Road
Hershey, PA 17033

Regional Aleph Shaliach

David Ari Hulnick
525 Beaumont Circle
West Chester, PA 19380
[email protected]

Regional Sh'licha
Liz Cohen
11105 Graylyn Road
Wilmington, DE 19803
[email protected]



Central Region East's Homepage is located at:

West Chester Sondra Moore BBYO's Homepage is located at:

Wilmington Brian L. Dombchik AZA's Homepage is located at:


International BBYO Homepage:

B'nai B'rith International's Homepage:

We are trying to make a CRE BBYO mailing list. Please get all of the email addresses of your chapter members and send them to me:

via email at: [email protected]

or write to: David Ari Hulnick
525 Beaumont Circle
West Chester, PA 19380
or call: 610-436-4073

Shaliach Shtuff
CRE Homepage