The On-Line Directory!!

Last updated 06/08/98

Click here for the CRE ALUMNI Directory

Chapter AZA/BBG First Name Last Name Email Address
Allentown AZA Adam Beifield [email protected]
Allentown AZA Brian Belmont [email protected]
Allentown AZA Justin Belmont [email protected]
Allentown AZA Josh Berkow [email protected]
Allentown AZA Noah (Chach) Berlow [email protected]
Allentown AZA Evan Creem [email protected]
Allentown AZA Anthony Durman [email protected]
Allentown AZA Eric Eisenberg [email protected]
Allentown AZA Aaron Eisenberg [email protected]
Allentown AZA Judd Englert [email protected]
Allentown AZA Jon Farbowitz [email protected]
Allentown AZA Brad Finberg [email protected]
Allentown AZA Jon Fisher [email protected]
Allentown AZA Greg Fogel [email protected]
Allentown AZA Adam Furmansky [email protected]
Allentown AZA Ryan Levine [email protected]
Allentown AZA Rafael Mandler [email protected]
Allentown AZA Dave Marcus [email protected]
Allentown AZA Dan Odess [email protected]
Allentown AZA Adam Richman [email protected]
Allentown AZA Justin Rosen [email protected]
Allentown AZA Ben Rosenau [email protected]
Allentown AZA Jay Shapiro [email protected]
Allentown AZA Max Shmookler [email protected]
Allentown AZA Jason Snyder [email protected]
Allentown AZA Jason Torban [email protected]
Allentown AZA Jonathan Zlotnik [email protected]
Allentown BBG Leah Berkowitz [email protected]
Allentown BBG Dina Bernstein [email protected]
Allentown BBG Beth Block [email protected]
Allentown BBG Becky Cohen [email protected]
Allentown BBG Lauren Feldman [email protected]
Allentown BBG Lauren Glaser [email protected]
Allentown BBG Wendie Grunberg [email protected]
Allentown BBG Abby Kimmelman [email protected]
Allentown BBG Lynn Klasco [email protected]
Allentown BBG Stacey Kopyt [email protected]
Allentown BBG Julie Miller [email protected]
Allentown BBG Lauren Miller [email protected]
Allentown BBG Stephanie Miller [email protected]
Allentown BBG Sara Pollan [email protected]
Allentown BBG Melissa Restori [email protected]
Allentown BBG Jen Restori [email protected]
Allentown BBG Ellen Rome [email protected]
Allentown BBG Erica Rosen [email protected]
Allentown BBG Jess Schlamb [email protected]
Allentown BBG Alissa Shapiro [email protected]
Allentown BBG Lisa Toff [email protected]
Allentown BBG Deb Zagofsky [email protected]
Central Bux BBG Gabrielle Kauffman [email protected]
Harrisburg AZA Bryan Adler [email protected]
Harrisburg AZA Matt Aronson [email protected]
Harrisburg AZA Eitan Blanc [email protected]
Harrisburg AZA Judd Casher [email protected]
Harrisburg AZA Josh Cohen [email protected]
Harrisburg AZA Matt Forman [email protected]
Harrisburg AZA Jeff Hoeflich [email protected]
Harrisburg AZA Josh Klein [email protected]
Harrisburg AZA Brian Lurie [email protected]
Harrisburg AZA Brian Mandell [email protected]
Harrisburg AZA Harley Nager [email protected]
Harrisburg AZA Aaron Rosen [email protected]
Harrisburg AZA Adam Roumm [email protected]
Harrisburg AZA Dan Saacks [email protected]
Harrisburg AZA Adam Sinoway [email protected]
Harrisburg AZA Robert Slavkin [email protected]
Harrisburg AZA Daniel B. Urie [email protected]
Harrisburg AZA Jeff Vergales [email protected]
Harrisburg AZA Nathan Weinstein [email protected]
Harrisburg AZA Justin Weinstein [email protected]
Harrisburg BBG Rachel Adelman [email protected]
Harrisburg BBG Mara Cohen [email protected]
Harrisburg BBG Jessica Friedman [email protected]
Harrisburg BBG Katie Goldsmith [email protected]
Harrisburg BBG Elise Gordon [email protected]
Harrisburg BBG Hara Henshell [email protected]
Harrisburg BBG Jess Martin [email protected]
Harrisburg BBG Lauren Parnes [email protected]
Harrisburg BBG Maya Raminez [email protected]
Harrisburg BBG Aly Rosenfeld [email protected]
Harrisburg BBG Paula Sackman [email protected]
Harrisburg BBG Rachel Slavkin [email protected]
KOP AZA Matt Alexander [email protected]
KOP AZA Ben Delfiner [email protected]
KOP AZA Matt Goldfine [email protected]
KOP AZA Josh Jakobi [email protected]
KOP AZA Dave Metz [email protected]
KOP AZA Andy Miccolis [email protected]
KOP AZA Rick Pollack [email protected]
KOP BBG Lauren Brody [email protected]
KOP BBG Kari Hexem [email protected]
KOP BBG Jen Mazer [email protected]
KOP BBG Alexis Waldor [email protected]
Newark AZA Jeff Oster [email protected]
Newark AZA Jared Schwartz [email protected]
Newark BBG Beth Gelman [email protected]
Newark BBG Robyn Gelman [email protected]
Newark BBG Natalie Green [email protected]
Newark BBG Eve Kaplan [email protected]
Newark BBG Rebecca Oster [email protected]
Newark BBG Jen Zetlan [email protected]
Reading AZA Joel Block [email protected]
Reading AZA Sam Kabakoff [email protected]
Reading AZA Ralph Kabakoff [email protected]
Reading AZA Avi Knoll [email protected]
Reading AZA Chad Schlanger [email protected]
Reading AZA Jacob Schwartz [email protected]
Reading AZA Dave Synnamon [email protected]
Reading BBG Staci Fastow [email protected]
Region AZA Executive Board [email protected]
Region Director Linda Rosenberg [email protected]
Region Office Linda Rosenberg [email protected]
StateCollege BBG Kaitlin Barthmier [email protected]
StateCollege BBG Julie Czebotar [email protected]
West Chester AZA Josh Kraut [email protected]
West Chester AZA Noam Oz [email protected]
West Chester AZA Adam Paskow [email protected]
West Chester AZA Anton Pribysh [email protected]
West Chester AZA Mike Rawl [email protected]
West Chester AZA Ryan Saloman [email protected]
West Chester AZA Ben Trajtenberg [email protected]
West Chester BBG Jennifer Hulnick [email protected]
West Chester BBG Alyssa Lee [email protected]
West Chester BBG Jackie Woinsky [email protected]
Wilmington AZA Joshua Bennett [email protected]
Wilmington AZA Daniel Berlin [email protected]
Wilmington AZA Nate Cohen [email protected]
Wilmington AZA Aaron Deede [email protected]
Wilmington AZA Dean Godowsky [email protected]
Wilmington AZA Jordan Epstein [email protected]
Wilmington AZA Alex Karel [email protected]
Wilmington AZA Josh Klein [email protected]
Wilmington AZA Robbie Kleiner [email protected]
Wilmington AZA Evan Littman [email protected]
Wilmington AZA Judah Milunksy [email protected]
Wilmington AZA Jake Milunsky [email protected]
Wilmington AZA Matt Resch [email protected]
Wilmington AZA Jeff Rhoades [email protected]
Wilmington AZA Gabe Simon [email protected]
Wilmington AZA Phillip Smith [email protected]
Wilmington AZA Mike Steibel [email protected]
Wilmington AZA Robbie Udell [email protected]
Wilmington BBG Allison Goldberg [email protected]
Wilmington BBG Kim Griffin [email protected]
Wilmington BBG Aileen Heiman [email protected]
Wilmington BBG Marla Solomon [email protected]
Wilmington BBG Rachel Spiller [email protected]
Wilmington BBG Andrea Weissman [email protected]


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This document was created by
David Ari Hulnick