And such is the life of a second semester senior. It isn't what I thought it would be. My teachers seem to be assigning more and more work. And I seem to be doing less and less work. But then again, and so it goes.

My name is David Ari Hulnick. I can't wait to leave West Chester East High School and move on to the good 'ole college life at Penn State University.

I bet you are wondering what I do in my spare time? All of my free time is taken up by my youth group, B'nai B'rith Youth Organization (BBYO), which is the largest Jewish youth group in the world. I have been a member for the past five years and have held numerous positions. I just LOVE IT! BBYO has taken me to Poland to bear witness the atrocities of the Concentration Camps and it has taken me twice to Israel.

On May 12, 1996, I was elected to the position of Regional Aleph Shaliach. I was the first RASh for Central Region East. On May 18th, 1997, I was elected to be Regional Aleph Godol, which is Regional President. My chapter is West Chester Sondra Moore BBYO #5206 and we are in Central Region East. In 1996, I was fortunate to be accepted into the March of the Living, a two week trip to Poland and Israel where we marched with 6000 others Jewish teens through the concentration camps of Aushwitz and Birkenau. We then flew to Israel where we visited many places. The trip was in April. ORANGE BUS RULES!! Visit Dave Siegel's March of the Living Homepage. The summer of 1996 I participated in ILTC and IC and this past summer participated on the Israel Summer Institute (ISI) and IC.

When I have nothing better to do, I am usually listening to my music. One of my favorite bands is Phish. I have been to two Phish shows. They are amazing! Also among my list of favorites is Barenaked Ladies.


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David Ari Hulnick-
[email protected]